In "Medical Services", ConAlliance specializes in the following segments, among others:
Contract manufacturing (CMO, CMDO)
Contract research organizations (CRO)
Rehabilitation clinic / preventive care, rehabilitation facility
Please make your selection to receive detailed information.
M&A advisors often highlight how competitive bidding between several eager buyers resulted in an extraordinary price for their clients but, like the over-night success story ten years in the making, a completed divestiture relies on a foundation of thorough planning and process.
When undertaking a Commercial Due Diligence, our objective is to help you answer important questions:
Is this a good market?
What is the competitive landscape?
What drives the target’s business?
What is the target’s market positioning and how does it differentiate itself from competition?
What are the growth opportunities?
What are the key barriers and capabilities/investments required?
How sustainable is the target’s business?
Where are the key risks?
Should you acquire the target?
Please contact us to learn more about Conalliance Commercial Due Diligence Advisory Services.
Conalliance is a leading mid-market investment bank and mergers and acquisitions advisor that advises business owners, executives and corporate boards on acquisitions, divestitures, financing and shareholder value matters. A senior Principal is involved in every aspect of the engagement to preserve confidentiality and to ensure that clients benefit from our firm’s extensive experience in deal structuring and negotiation.
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