Vorsorge- u. Rehabilitationseinrichtungen

ConAlliance – Your Leading Partner for Mergers & Acquisitions in the Rehabilitation Sector. We guide you through business sales, succession planning, acquisitions, strategic partnerships, and the sourcing of growth capital. With our extensive experience and deep industry expertise, we guarantee tailored solutions for your strategic challenges.

Preventive Care and Rehabilitation Facilities

Preventive care and rehabilitation facilities provide inpatient treatment for the prevention or recovery of illnesses. Our expertise extends to valuation and consulting in this highly regulated sector.


Attractive Yet Challenging Market Environment

The rehabilitation market presents attractive growth opportunities driven by demographic changes and technological innovations. At the same time, the intense competitive and cost pressures demand efficient scaling and specialization strategies. M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) activities remain the key to sustainable success.


Market Consolidation and M&A Activities

Increasing market consolidation offers considerable opportunities for M&A. From a buyer’s perspective, this is particularly interesting in terms of synergies and efficiency gains. ConAlliance supports the buy side in identifying and executing such opportunities to achieve sustainable growth and competitive advantages. On the sell side, we offer comprehensive advisory services to ensure a successful business sale.


ConAlliance Experts

We provide objective and constructive support throughout every phase of a business transaction, from the initial analysis to the final deal closing. Our advisory approach is holistic – from developing a buy- or sell-side strategy, systematically identifying, selecting, and discreetly approaching potential investors or targets, to conducting auctions, setting up data rooms, managing due diligence processes, and negotiating the purchase agreement until its successful conclusion.

Our expertise in preventive care and rehabilitation clinics is built on years of experience and deep industry knowledge. With an extensive network and comprehensive understanding of regulatory and legal issues, we guide your transactions from the first analysis to successful execution – discreetly, efficiently, and results-driven.


Contact us for a customized advice. Our experts are personally available to help you successfully achieve your strategic goals.


Dipl.-Kfm. Martin Franz

+49 (89) 809 53 63- 0
Curriculum vitae & references

Alexander Mast

Senior Director
+49 (89) 809 53 63- 0

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel

+49 (89) 809 53 63- 0
Curriculum vitae & references

Günter Carl Hober

Managing Partner
+49 (89) 809 53 63- 0
Curriculum vitae & references

Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Kempler

Senior Director
+49 (89) 809 53 63 0

Dr. Monika Bothing

Senior Director
+49 (89) 809 53 63- 0
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Mergers & Acquisitions Rehabilitationskliniken

Unternehmensverkauf Rehaklinik


Conalliance hat die Verkäufer beim Verkauf von Rehabilitationskliniken beraten. Die Käuferin zählt zu den großen deutschen Therapieanbietern in der Behandlung psychosomatischer Erkrankungen, Abhängigkeitserkrankter und der Soziotherapie.


Unternehmenskauf Rehaklinik


Die Transaktion ist Teil einer Buy-and-Build-Strategie, zu der auch der kürzlich erfolgte Erwerb der Reha-Sparte gehört.
Finanziert wurde der jetzige Erwerb der Reha-Kliniken - wie auch schon der vorangegangene Kauf der Reha-Kliniken - aus Fondsmitteln sowie durch Mezzanine-Kapital und Bankdarlehen.
Conalliance beriet das kommunale Unternehmen beim Erwerb der Vorsorge- und Rehabilitationseinrichtungen und Reha-Kliniken umfassend.


Wenn Sie eine Mergers & Acquisitions Beratung suchen, die auf Reha-Kliniken, Vorsorge- u. Rehabilitationseinrichtungen spezialisiert sind, dann setzen Sie sich mit Conalliance in Verbindung.